Monday, February 8, 2010

What birth control pill has the least likely hood of making you sick to your stomach or have migraines?

I've been on Yaz for almost 3 weeks, and I've had horrible migraines and nausea for a little over 2 weeks. My doctor has suggested Loestrin FE, but I've read online that many people have the same side effects on Loestrin as they do on Yaz. I can't take being sick everyday anymore. I've also heard that taking your birth control pill later in the evening instead of in the morning can help. Any suggestions would be helpful. What birth control pill has the least likely hood of making you sick to your stomach or have migraines?
I'm pretty sure it's going to be different for everyone, trial and error until you find one that's right for you. Maybe ask to try one with a different type of progesterone. That's what I'm doing.

I have been on Yaz for 4 months and I've never felt so crappy in my life. I called my Dr. and asked to switch... so I'm trying allesse (sp?) next... good luck to you. What birth control pill has the least likely hood of making you sick to your stomach or have migraines?
I'm on Depo and i have never been sick/nauseas on it nor have i had migraines from it.

But the only downsides are it can deplete your bones of calcium %26amp; can make you have spotting/two week periods....but it does work.
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