It is really hard to get rid of it totally and it takes awhile but it can happen. Get someone to stand outside of the room where you can not see them. Do this a couple of times and then get them to come into the room but be behind you or in your blind spot. Then have them come infront of youand sit. Give them somthing to do so that they are not just staring at you. Read a mag or watch the tv. Even when you are in public places like Kareokee night you will be calm once you are half way throught the song. You just need to practice at blocking everyone out and what is going on around you. Hope this helps. You are not the only one who gets nervous and giggly. Good luck and Good health to youHow do you control your nerves when singing?
Read the book, ';The Inner Game of Music';.
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When I was younger I used to sing everywhere, back then I just closed my eyes and decided this song was meant to help someone. The pressure was off because it wasn't about me. I mainly sang every song for God, by doing that, my voice was annointed, I was told I gave people goosebumps.
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If you are old enough, drink! Seriously, one or two drinks will relax you.
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I just concentrate on the music. Also, I sing to the Glory of God, not to the glory of myself.
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i go on stage %26amp; all i did was think i was the only 1 here but my friends .once u get 2 singin just dance mybe close your eyes %26amp;take a deep breath then open your eye.
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Ok, you've heard from the mind crowd, the religious and the ';in my opinion'; group-Go see your family doctor and ask about a drug called Inderal(propranolol). It is used by professional speakers. It works by blocking that rush of adrenaline(epinephrine) that occurs during flight or fight reactions.
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its really hard . i had same problem before but i learned dat true music comes from inside from da heart not da lips then everything will b fine
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To sing properly before an audience I suggest you do what actors do before they perform. Warm up exercises, stretching exercises, etc. Also, when it's time to sing hear yourself in your mind start to sing before you actually start the singing. Then, begin. This will help if you have a shaky start.
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try self-hypnosis, is a great way to get rid of any fear.
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Ive been sining for about 15 years and the answer to this is very simple: Whisky
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I have an expertise to this, nerves are simply a lack of a stage command. One must master this and have a commanding stage presence, this may take years and seasoning.
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Something that I found out really helps. Whenever I go on a stage to perform, whether it's to sing, dance, or act, I look at one spot on a wall or one person and only look at that. It really helps!
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Usually, nervousness is linked to not believing in your music or yourself. Trust yourself in knowing that you are good at what you do. If you suck, you'll know soon enough.
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Stare at the back of the room, not at the people you're singing toward. Works for me.
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Practice practice practice!!!! Only through mastering your talents and building confidence will you be able to face any performance without fear!
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i cant really tell you what to do because the same thing that might work for me might not work for you. Its all different but for me i usually just take deep breaths as soon as i hit the stage. After a while i warm up to the crowd and im ok. Breathin techniques help alot.
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Practice, Practice, Practice...Rehearsal, Rehearsal, Rehearsal... You have to know the songs or song your singing like the back of your hand. Once you do, then you can trust that you have done the work and let yourself fly...
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take a xanax or a valium, it helps, i personally have a couple of cocktails, or a shot or two
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i think it is about the type of music, and how comfortable you feel singing it. having someone there is very helpful, i speak from xperience. it took time, patience, practice, and time to build your confidence. good luck.
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I take my contacts out. Can't see a thing. Nothing. Makes walking on stage a little bit tricky, but it works. Other than that...ummm, alcohol. Why do you think so many singers are alcoholics? NERVES!!! Good luck!!
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I just take a deep breath, and concentrate on hitting my first note. As long as I can get that first note out strong and clear, I know I'm good for the rest of the performance. Also, I never look directly at the audience. I always look at the back wall, just above their heads. This keeps the head up, the throat clear, and the jitters at bay.
experience is the only way really, the more you perform the less nervous you will get. try performing for close friends and family, small groups of people first, get used to people hearing you sing. its a hard thing to get over, i used to be really nervous about singing, but i started taking music practice at college, i sing everyday, and as time has gone on, I've gotten used to it, i don't feel nervous at all.
It takes time, eventually you'll have practiced your songs enough times to have them so memorized that you kinda just go on auto pilot. Start working your abs more it will give you better control of your diaphram. Also Zanax helps but only if you have the words written down in front of you.
It's a mind-over-matter thing. Try to push through to that voice that you really want out of you. It'll work based on your determination.
Do a mental rehearsal with your eyes closed and imagine exactly how you would like to appear and sound to others. If your nervousness has a long history, you may need to do this a number of times but eventually you will succeed.
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