Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do you control what do your children wear?

Do you strictly insist on some dress code? Have you any rules for school clothes, home clothes, clothes for visiting other families? What is absolute inappropriate in your opinion? What is age when children should decide about their clothes without parents?How do you control what do your children wear?
I have a dress code for my kids. No spaghetti strap shirts or tube tops, tank tops are OK but the shirt must cover a bra (she's not old enough to wear one yet, but she knows where a bra goes), the shirt and shorts/pants/skirt must meet (no showing of the belly) and the hem of the shorts/skirt must be below her fingertips when she is standing up. I think it's inappropriate for a kid to be showing off the type of underwear they are wearing.

I control what they wear because I buy it. My family members know my rules as well, and they know I won't let my kids wear anything that is to short. These are my rules for school, home, and visiting places/people.

Not having my 10 year old daughter dress like a prostitute is a battle that I believe is worth fighting. I let my kids decide what they want to wear everyday but all their clothes are appropriate. If they don't match, I'll tell them, but it's up to them to change. That's the clothing battle I don't care to fight, I'll let peer pressure take care of that one.How do you control what do your children wear?
Well you start out young with certain standards for dress in your family. Those standards should apply across the board for kids %26amp; parents (no double standards) and then you just don't BUY clothing that isn't within those perameters. PERIOD! No exceptions.

Then it depends on how anal you are as a mother as to whether you will let your children chose their own clothing each day depending on whether you care if they match or not. Otherwise you choose with them the night before if they are going to school or out somewhere. But I like to give CHOICES so they have some 'power' in the equation. So you pick #1 outfit or #2 outfit and then lay those clothes out for morning and the options stop there for that day or event.

Some mothers are really lay back about such things. I tended to always want my kids to look clean, matched and cute so letting them have complete control and choices for their clothes was a bit much for me to handle - but if you can live with mismatched outfits or shoes or letting them brush their own hair or so forth, then more power to you.

Whatever you decide just be consistent and positive and let them be included in the process. I found over the years that kids need to feel some power %26amp; control over themselves %26amp; their lives just as much as we do, as adults. Fewer tantrums and happier kids!
I buy only appropriate clothes for my kids, so there are no arguments. However, the kids can combine them any which way they want and my daughter (who is 4) sometimes wants to wear her play dress-up clothes away from home. I let her do it. It's cute and sweet, and it makes people who see her smile.

As a parent, you gotta pick your battles. If you're willing to fight with your kids over clothes because you have very strong principles, then you should be strict about it. The problem is, most kids who fight over what to wear with their parents end up rebelling in some fashion. I recommend letting the dress code go in favor of other battles which might be more important to you (like bedtime, who they can play with, going to school every day and doing homework).
My kids are 7 and 5.

I allow them to choose what they wear. The only rule is dress appropriatly for the weather and it needs to be clean.

If we go to a nice place, I will say to dress nicely and my daughter will come out in a dress and my son does well enough, sometimes I need to guide him. As they get older my only rules will be, dont let your butt hang out, dont show cleavage, keep your pants up(not below your butt and nothing too obscene on their clothes. Basically nothing trampy or trashy. I dont care if they one day decide to wear spikey bracelets or dye their hair blue, just dont be skimpy.
I have a while before my daughter or son gets a choice in their clothing, until then i buy them what i like and I want them to wear. When the get to the age when they have an opinion, I say its just clothes. Hopefully, I will have raised children that have a sense of what is and whats not appropriate (up to that point of course). Unless its truly terrible, I hope i am able to let me kids express themselves in their own way. I don't plan on dictating their wardrobe for the rest of their life.
I dress my 5 year old, but in the morning I take out 2 of everything, if I have the time and say do you want to wear this or this.

If I don't have the time I just take something out myself and put it on her.

Sometimes, she will ask for certain things and depending on the day I will say yes or know. Like sometimes we wants to wear shorts, and if it is cold I will say no.
So, my now 3 1/2 year old started picking out her clothes when she was about 18 months. Everything in her wardrobe coordinate so she can always find something to wear that looks good. Now that she is in school we keep her play/school clothes in baskets in her closet and good clothes hanging. She has no problem determining where to take from. The only battle we have is sometimes in dressy enough clothes for certain occasions. She now seems to get it and likes to dress up.
I think it's ok for kids to have an input at any age they can...but you ';control'; the issue only offering appropriate choices.

I have a I probably don't have to worry so much about him dressing toooo innapropriately...but the bottom line teach them what's ok and what's not ok, and you only buy the clothes you approve of...

If I had a girl...she'd be able to choose what ever she wanted to wear (within reason) from her dresser...but rest assured that she wouldn't find a single tube top or micro mini to pick from...
I am the parent so I control what they wear because I buy the clothes. I like my children to dress age appropriate, not like little sl*ts. I think bras and g strings for little girls is ridiculous. That is sexualising them. My daughter will not have a bra till she has something to put in it. My kids decide what to wear everyday but if I am not happy with their choice they must change. That is not very often as they are pretty good at dressing themselves. They started at 2 years old dressing themselves
Well , my child is 10 and I pick out her clothes for her because she just isn't into fashion.She could care less if she wears Sears or name brand. She wears whats comfy over anything stylish.

I always pick your basics, jeans and t-shirts,carpi's, and knits that she can move in.

She also has play clothes that I don't mind if she rips or soils. Anything too revealing, see thru or tight is inappropriate.
I'm pretty laid back about the way my kids dress.

No belly showing tops or shorts/skirts that barely show the bum or anything. I just think certain clothing looks unstylish and kinda trashy.

As long as it's covering up the the butt and the belly and doesn't show a load of cleavage- it's Okay by me.

It's how my children behave that matters most to me.
up to five, dress your child. from then to ten, let your child dress him/her self but give him/her advise so they learn what's acceptable and what's not. Then once they turn ten, don't really keep your finger on it, that's when ya gotta let them be who they wanna be. But don't let them dress like they should be on the corner. see we have the one sluttly rule in my house, if your wearing high heels, no short skirt. if your wearing a short skirt, no low top. just one slutty thing. And it keeps me modest. (and i'm not that revealing anyways) i hoped i helped!
the bottom line is as long as they don't show any butt cheeks or show the cleavage or the skirts are not to short you really have to use your own judgment on this stuff girls an boys are totally different i let my boys wear the stuff all the other kids are waring but girls i would not let her ware what everyone else is waring use your own good judgment .
Children will always have fun... So we cannot make any restrictions on their clothing... I have made a huge dress collection for my child and I will let him choose his favorite for all the occasions...
tube tops, stretchy body forming material, short short skirts and short short shorts are all inappropriate IMO.My daughter is 6 and I won't buy her anything that I consider inappropriate.
Check the dress code for your school... and honey, remember YOU are the parent, and your kid is the child.

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