Monday, February 8, 2010

Can you control your menstrual cycle? What about synchronising it with others around you?

Does your menstruating cycle synchronise with other females around you (freinds/co-workers/mom/ sisters etc) ?

I have heard this hypothesis about how it's the pheromones that cause this. But I think that if it's possible to shift your cycles that way, then it should be possible to mentally control your cycles as well.. don't you think so? We should be able to postpone it or restrict the duration of flow and stuff like that, Right?

So my question actualy is... Has anyone been able to VOLUNTARILY control/restrict/skip/ prolong their cycles?Can you control your menstrual cycle? What about synchronising it with others around you?
If you are around other females you will end up synchronizing. I've dealt with that personally when being in boot camp with 80 women!

As far as mentally, I doubt it.Can you control your menstrual cycle? What about synchronising it with others around you?
about the synchronizing of them with others. That can naturally happen when you're around friends or family long enough. . It's part of nature's mysteries as to why it happens

you can ease up your pains and problematic troubles with the cycles, By drinking more, exercising a bit, and resting as needed. Make sure you eat enough as well

As for some people choclate can alleviate quite a bit of the cramps and pains, and is better to take than drugs. haha
I have been trying to have a baby and anyone who is trying to have a baby has been mentally trying to magically make there period not arrive and a baby to be conceived. No, you can't mentally change it. If you could do that then you would be able to mentally make your hair grow longer faster or nails or make your hair fall off your legs without having to shave all the time. But when I had a girl roomate, our periods were very different at first, then changed to getting our period on the exact same day! I know, weird huh? I guess pheromones are more powerful then the brain sometimes.
I never have~


I do know that every job I ever had, the women I worked with eventually had there periods within just a few days of each other.

{I'm talking about the women I worked closely with, in the same vicinity or office}

I know I'm not the only person who has experienced this.

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