Monday, February 8, 2010

How to control condesation from forming on underside of roof?

I have a 40鈥?by 50鈥?covered carport that is about 15鈥?above a concrete slab. How can I stop the condensation from forming on the underside of the roof? Will a parachute material spanned from the underside of the roof stop it? Fans blowing on the roof stop it? Fans blowing on the ground stop it? It is too large to insulate.How to control condesation from forming on underside of roof?
1word ..VENTILATIONHow to control condesation from forming on underside of roof?
You've got to allow a way for the moisture to escape. Simply... vent it. I imagine the slope is minimal so find some vents that can be installed on a flat roof or use your imagination and make your own.

The parachute material: the condensation will just form on the parachute material

The fans: I would explore more passive ways of moving the air like the venting. No use using power.

Insulate?: If it is a carport there isn't really any point in insulating it.
If it's just condensation then nothing will stop it forming unless you put something up to collect the moisture first like a material to absorb most of the condensation but then that will have to be cleaned as well.

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