Monday, February 8, 2010

Does birth control give you cramps when you first start it?

I've been taking the pill for half a week (4 days), and I have these really sharp pains in my vagina area, where I usually get period cramps. Apparently, I am not to expect my period for another 24 days (which is a week and a half late), so it can't be that. Is one of the effects cramps?Does birth control give you cramps when you first start it?
I'm having that same problem, and the acne issue. It's perfectly normal.Does birth control give you cramps when you first start it?
yes i had pretty bad cramps when i stared (which i never got cramps off them) but i'd get them every sumday and monday some times tuesday. i just got off those pills and started yaz bc i didnt like getting cramps. so if they are really uncomfortable go and and have them change ur pills or dose.
not for everyone, but everyone can be different on birth control, it could be normal, if it persists for more than a week then go back to the doctor about it, good luck
yes, your body just needs to ajust to the next hormones, i ad really bad cramps too.
Yes it could give u cramps and/or acne for about 2-3 weeks, after u have ur first cycle, it settles.
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