Monday, February 8, 2010

How to control the accuracy of the images you see during out of body experience?

My friend wrote something on a piece of paper and place it on the top of the wardrobe. Everytime I have OBE I would go to my friend's house and see that piece of paper. I tried 4 times, but none of them are right.

It seems that the images i see during this state are distorted. :(

Do you have any idea of how to adjust the vision to its accuracy?

Thanks!How to control the accuracy of the images you see during out of body experience?
When you have an OBE the things you observe will not always be exactly like what it is in this waking life. The reason? Because you are not actually in the same reality as you are in the waking life. As you travel around in your astral body in what seems like this world, it actually is not this world at all. But rather it is an astral copy of this world. This copy is almost the same in every way. It can be different in some minor ways. And 2 people can astral travel to the same place in this world %26amp; yet observe %26amp; experience different things. What you experience can be altered by your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, your unique perspective, your conscious %26amp; subconscious mind. So when you are viewing this piece of paper, it is an astral copy of it. And whatever you see on it wont necessarily be the same as it is in the waking life.

I know in some cases in things like remote viewing, your vision can also actually be altered by other humans attempting to deceive %26amp; mislead you, as well as by other entities from other realms. So I would assume the very same thing can be done in astral projection. Not that this is what is happening in your case but it's just an interesting thought anyway on how things may not always be as they seem.

Anyway I'm guessing you would already know that thoughts manifest instantly in the astral realms. So perhaps you could give yourself a suggestion, demand that you see the copy of the paper exactly as it is in the waking life. And that you can see it clearly. Tell yourself that is how you will see it %26amp; perhaps the correct words on the paper will then clearly reveal themselves.How to control the accuracy of the images you see during out of body experience?
Possibly more concentration?

I've noticed that things are always different too, but not always..

The first time I had an OBE I was eleven and had travelled to my grandparents' inn, I didn't know what had happened at all but I noticed a sign on the third step, I'd never ever noticed it before but the next time I went, sure enough there it was in the exact same place.

Just keep trying!
Have had both ans NDE and OBE.

I could control neither, but the NDE was pretty weird! I saw everything they were doing to me, paddles my baby being weighed the bl;oody works..Lol pretty funky but not at all scary.

I don't know how to control them though, I wish I did as it's a pain in the A*se.
Have you considered that you can't get it right because it isn't real?
OBEs don't exist
learn dream control
No, but I would be delighted if you taught me to have an OBE in the first place! Please!?
WTF.. seek help please
stop that seriously, your being to nosy... if she wanted you to see what she wrote then she would have told u

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