Monday, February 8, 2010

How to control a web camera with a pic and save pictures on memory?

Hi, I just want to know if somebody know how to control a web camera with a pic, saving the pictures on an external memory, if somebody has an idea of how to do it, would be wonderful. I promise to publish all layout and information to get this project done. The idea is to design this system focused on car security, I want that once the silence alarm is active, the camera starts to take pictures from inside and outside the car, and of course, the idea is make it easy (publishing code) for that everyone can do it.

Thanks and hope for your help.How to control a web camera with a pic and save pictures on memory?
A PIC sounds underpowered for this. You might be better off with a small 80x86 or ARM board running Linux.

Be sure to choose a webcam with proper Linux support. This is especially important if using an ARM processor. Some manufacturers provide only a binary blob driver for 80x86, but you will need the Source Code to recompile for ARM.

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