Monday, February 8, 2010

How to control myself better with getting upset about little things?

Lately my boyfriend and I have been getting into fights about stupid little things! Is this just a bump in the road and it will get better? I feel that this could be a big problem because I don't communicate with him about these little things that turn out to be much deeper than what they are!! I wan tthis to work out but how do I work on these little things?How to control myself better with getting upset about little things?
You need to figure out what's going on inside of yourself. In my experience when you start letting little things get to you, it's usually because there is something bigger that you haven't faced yet. You might want to take a ';mental health day'; to yourself and go somewhere you can be alone and think things through. Once you figure out whats wrong, go and talk to your bf.

Try to pick and choose your battles. If you let every little thing get to you, you're going to start sounding like a ';nag';. Maybe to solve the problem about the little things you should act differently about them. Instead of starting an argument every time something upsets you, start a discussion. Let him know exactly what he did that upset you. Don't automatically jump down his throat about it. You could even wait a little bit until you're not so p***ed off about it and bring it up in a casual non-confrontational way. Hope this helpsHow to control myself better with getting upset about little things?
There is no such thing as little problems, they all have a deeper issue, that you just can't see. It's a feeling you have in your gut. It's a symptom of bigger problems.

It may be, that you aren't compatible.

If you really want to solve them, then find out what the basis is for these spats. If you can, write them down later, and over a course of a week or so, you may be able to spot a trend amongst them. Which will give you a clue to the underlying problem between you.
really, choice your fights, if there little get over it, you'll only be feeling more crappy, COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!!!!! how are things gonna get better if you dont talk to him?? and dont nag!! they hate that!!! just get to the point, if you talk to much they just shut there brain down!!!
me and my husband have been together for seven years and we still fight about little stupid things. it is normal. unless if it something that really bothers you try laughing it off.
control yourself more,just think of it..if you won't control yourself you may loose that you love him????do you still love him???
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